Development at The Falls?

Real estate development of a parcel of property immediately east of (behind) The Falls at Roland Park apartment complex (at Falls Road and Northern Parkway), initially approved by the Baltimore City Zoning Board for the construction of a Memory Care Unit, has been halted while an appeal by two residents of North Roland Park proceeds. […]
Roland Park Community Center

Exciting news: Angela Taylor and the staff at the Roland Park Community Center will kick off another season of weekly Farmer’s Markets starting on Friday, May 26, at 5:00 pm at the RPCC, located at 5802 Roland Avenue! The RPCC Farmer’s Market includes a CSA (Commumity Sponsored Agriculture) live music, crafts, wines from Boordy vineyards […]
Melrose Avenue Bridge

The North Roland Park Improvement Association has secured agrant from the State of Maryland for $270,000 to make improvements on the pedestrian bridge at Melrose Avenue, between Kenmore Avenue and Roland Avenue, adjacent to The Bryn Mawr School. This is very welcome news! NRPIA Board President Doug Schmidt is to be congratulated for his efforts to obtain the […]
Northern District Police Update

Ricci Reber, at-large member of the NRPIA Board, continues to work with the Baltimore City Police Department (Northern District) to promote relations with BPD and to advocate for homeowners in North Roland Park.
Snow Removal

NRPIA has again retained the services of a private contractor to provide expeditious snow removal in North Roland Park this winter.